New York Clothing Brand Studio 15
In this month’s Trend Report, we feature New York-based clothing brand Studio 15, created by Jia Wertz. The brand focuses on sustainability and female empowerment.
Cherry Creek Fashion: Why did you create Studio 15?
Jia Wertz: I created Studio 15 because after working in the fashion industry for 15 years I experienced that not enough businesses were focusing on more than their bottom line. I wanted to be a part of an organization that was looking at the big picture and making a positive impact on the world, or at least doing their part to make a difference in a small part of the world. In my experience, large corporations were focused only on their bottom line, and when approached with opportunities to give back, donate, etc. they were not receptive. So I decided to take the experience I had in the industry and create the type of company I was hoping to work for. Plus I always knew from a young age that I wanted to have my own fashion business, so it was always in the back of my mind. When the time felt right, I ventured on my own.
CCF: Tell us more about the brands and designers that you carry and collaborate with for Studio 15.
JW: All the products we carry are our own Studio 15 brand. I design all the collections and the majority of our products are made to order, so they only go into production as they sell. This allows us to be earth-conscious by not producing excess quantities.
Jia Wertz
CCF: We love the focus on female empowerment and sustainability that the brand promotes. Why are these issues important to you and Studio 15
JW: A focus on female empowerment and sustainability is important to me because it is the basis on which the company was created. If we lose sight of these things, we would essentially be losing the very DNA that our company was built upon. Studio 15 gives back by donating 5% of proceeds to support female entrepreneurs in Uganda start their own businesses. To date the company has funded businesses for 32 women through a partnership with Kleos Microfinance Group. And we also have other initiatives that we support from time to time, such as the #FreeAdnan Collection, that helps raise funds for the legal defense of Adnan Syed, whose case was made famous by the Serial podcast.