John Atencio is Celebrating 46 Years of Jewelry Making



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John Atencio, a Colorado jewelry legend, originally attended Colorado State University to pursue business but took one elective class in jewelry-making and was hooked. That combination of business and design has launched John Atencio into a nationally recognized brand, known for unique design, unwavering standards, and familial feel. John’s family has been key in building the business; last year we interviewed his son, Lex Atencio, who runs the Cherry Creek store. It was great to get to know John better, hear his inspiration and find out what he is looking forward to this holiday season.

Annie Bloj: You famously began your career as a jewelry designer by making the engagement ring you gave to your wife. Often fine jewelry is used to mark life’s special occasions; how does it feel to know that you’ve played an important role in someone’s life?

John Atencio: First of all, I made my first piece of jewelry, a ring, for my girlfriend - my college sweetheart, who would later become my wife. That was in 1970. Since then, I have proudly made thousands of wedding and engagement rings. It brings me great joy to see the love that couples share at that point in their relationship. Now, 50 years later, it brings me more joy to see the love that those couples still share. I never gave it much thought when I started in the early ’70s, but today I know how lucky I am to be a part of and share in just a small way in each of their journeys and special moments.

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AB: Have you always had a designer’s eye and aesthetic? As a Colorado native, how does the area inspire you?

JA: I have always had a great interest in Art and Design. The eye and aesthetic I have today has developed over time – as has the confidence to know my hand and what I love to develop. Again, I never dreamed of the longevity nor the success that would develop. So, ten years turned into twenty, twenty turned- without much thought- into thirty years; about at the forty-year mark, I really started to understand how special this journey and career has been. I also grew in enjoyment as the years added up. Now, I am inspired more than ever, in part, through appreciation and my love of creating and learning, but also because of sharing time teaching my son and my valued co-workers.

In terms of Colorado, I am inspired by the sunlight and the brightness it provides. I feel that Colorado is a positive influence on my work and my daily life.

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AB: You are an avid biker, does your time on the bike help you conceptualize new designs or give you the headspace to think about business?

JA: The question and reference to headspace is interesting. Biking, as well as all the exercise I do, does bring relief from business pressure. It’s sometimes the need to find peace or relief outside the day-to-day of the business - and I find that my bike is the best medicine. I also paint, so that’s where solitude helps conceptualize new ideas -whether in business or art. For me, space or alone time is the necessary part of finding new ideas and adventures.

AB: As the holiday season approaches, what are you most excited about debuting in your namesake stores?

JA: Currently, we are at the tail end of receiving our new designs for the Holidays. These latest creations all need to start long before the year got going, so now as they debut, most of my attention is on sharing them through new ads, billboards, direct mail efforts, and new web pages. Seeing these last few finishing stages, as well as feeling the season change, brings renewed excitement. It’s like Santa coming to town for the Holiday season!

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AB: What role does your family play in the business, and how do they motivate you? How were you able to pass down your work ethic and attention to detail?

JA: In some great and unique ways, I have always had some family in this business. Originally with siblings, then with my wife, and now with my youngest son, Lex. It has been a constant blessing as well as an effort and challenge. But, if I had to use one word, I’d still say it’s a blessing. While I do feel responsible for the creative energy behind the designs and intellectual capital, I never would say it ever has been a one-man show. My family has gone above and beyond to provide power, love, and capital to support all areas of the company. When you consider now that we are in our forty-sixth year of continuous operation, with someone in my family here through all those years and challenges – need I say more? I am now in the twilight of my career and working, teaching, and sharing with my son brings the greatest joy and satisfaction to the “Family” in the family business. My motivation is to bring him to the greatest or best opportunity.

AB: John, your artistry shines through in each and every piece that you create. Your jewelry has accompanied so many important moments in people’s lives, it is such a pleasure to learn more about your process, and how you got started. 

John Atencio: @johnatencio

Writer: @theblojreport

Photographer: @estherleeleach