How To Work Out From Home + 3 Videos From Teddi Bryant of Hot Mamas Exercise
Teddi Bryant of Hot Mamas Exercise
After 10 months of little to no gym access, and a new slew of Netflix shows every week, the COVID 15 has become a thing. No, not a new strain of the virus, but rather a new fluffiness around the middle. And, with the new athleisure clothes we are all wearing, albeit super stylish, it’s hard to notice the fluffiness until you try to put on a pair of jeans! Now with 2021 upon us and a renewed sense of inspiration, it’s time to get moving again! And, not just for the waistline, but also for our sanity.
So, what’s a women to do now that the weather is colder and we are all basically stuck indoors? Well, if you haven’t already checked out the bevy of online workouts available, you should. There are many local studios offering online workouts including Pure Barre, Bar Method, Soul Cycle, AKT & Hot Mamas Exercise, located on Colfax & York (just a stones throw from Cherry Creek). Hot Mamas pivoted way back in March with a full lineup of online live-streaming classes every day and now video on demand. Hot Mamas classes and their famous Bikini Body Bootcamps are designed for women of all ages and abilities looking to maintain a lean, strong, feminine physique. Most of the workouts are bodyweight focused or use light weights and are mostly non-impact and feature a variety of modalities, from cardio dance, to yoga to martial arts to an amped up version of Jane Fonda style sculpting. With it’s tongue-in-cheek class names & descriptions, you will quickly understand that this studio is not just about the results but about having a great time while you’re getting there.
We asked, the owner and founder of Hot Mamas, Teddi Bryant, How does a woman maintain a fit, sexy physique during a pandemic? “Well, we’ve all discovered that working out from home is very convenient. There’s no drive time, no need for child care, no excuses. Just throw on your workout pants, turn on the screen and you’re ready to go. Nobody knows if you’ve even brushed your teeth!” There’s really no excuse not to do it, Bryant says, So, really what you need now, is a plan and a place to do it - where you won’t be bothered.
“Set yourself up for success”, Teddi goes on to say, “Find a corner in your house that you can make your workout zone. Get all the necessary equipment: A firm mat with some cushion that can support your movements, a set of dumbbells in varying weights from 1 to 8 lbs. I’m not a big fan of super heavy weights for women - I don’t think they are necessary to get the results you want. Large weights tend to bulk and make the muscles look puffy - not toned. Ankle weights are the bomb right now so definitely get a set of those, discs or a sturdy set of dish towels and elastic bands. Sometimes a broomstick is a great tool too!”
Next, you need a plan. Try to move your body in some fashion every day for at least 30 minutes. Set aside a couple days to do cardiovascular exercise, a couple days dedicated to toning your muscles and core, and a day for stretching or yoga. On your off days, get outside for a 30 to 60 minute walk. Block out the time in your calendar and stick to it. Do this for a month and see how different you look and feel. It’ll change your life, your outlook, and your waistline no matter how long we are stuck at home!
Teddi has made three 10 minute workouts to get you started and Hot Mamas is also offering a New Year’s workout package to motivate you. Go to for more info.
Teddi Bryant: @teddib1
Hot Mamas Exercise: @hotmamasexercise