Summertime Skin – What You Need to Know about the Sun by Nikki Burnett
Nikki Burnett MS MNT CNTP is a Functional Nutritionist at Taste Life Nutrition. Nikki works with ambitious professionals to help them overcome hidden barriers to both health and success. Challenges such as chronic stress, brain fog, low energy, and stubborn chronic issues frequently have their roots in unhealthy foods and unknown inflammatory conditions. Functional nutrition is based on the science of functional medicine. The goal is to understand the body through functional lab testing, genetic testing, environmental factors, stress, and lifestyle.
Nikki Burnett
Spring and summer are my favorite times of the year! The sun is warm and the days are long making it perfect for spending time outdoors. It truly fills my soul.
There are many studies that have shown the benefits of Vitamin D from the sun in helping to reduce inflammation and protect against disease. It plays a role in so many reactions in the body that it is now considered a hormone. According to a Creighton study, 77% of all cancers can be avoided with proper vitamin D. 60 ng/mL is the lowest blood level needed to be healthy, with 100 ng/mL being the highest for those with autoimmune diseases.
Vitamin D is even more important now during COVID-19. We know that:
We must have a strong immune system
The sun kills this virus
Sufficient vitamin D is especially important in avoiding/fighting the virus
However, some people have certain genetic mutations that don’t allow for proper conversion of vitamin D. In my practice, about 90% of my clients are deficient. Knowing your genetics can help you understand why there’s a deficiency and how to overcome it.
The skin is a storage center for fats and water, which provides a unique environment for the synthesis of vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight. The health of your skin is often dependent on what’s happening in your gut. Numerous studies have shown that addressing gut issues also addresses skin issues. If your gut is not healthy, this can create nutrient deficiencies and inflammation, increasing the chance of skin issues and the inability to have natural protection from the sun.
There are times when we need to protect ourselves from the sun. Excessive exposure is never good. This is when we may consider hats, clothing, and sunscreen – but sunscreen is not always the best option as it may be the culprit of toxicity.
Most sunscreens include dozens of toxic ingredients which tax the liver, creating a toxic burden. In times when we need protection, consider the ingredients. Find limited ingredient lists which include ingredients like zinc oxide, titanium dioxide, and other minerals that act as a physical sunblock. If you’re not sure which sunscreens are safe, go to
The importance of an anti-inflammatory lifestyle is beyond measure when it comes to our health, our skin, and avoiding many of the chronic conditions we deal with, including cancer. So, what does that look like?
1. Keep stress to a minimum. A little stress can be healthy and motivating but a lot of stress can be inflammatory. Pray, meditate, walk in the grass, and in nature – all help bring the body to its natural, healing state.
2. Move. Too little movement and too much movement can be inflammatory but moderate, healthy movement is a necessity.
3. Clean, healthy food. Everyone is different but we all need a wide variety of lots of vegetables. Then, add in a little fruit, healthy fat, and grass-fed/pastured meat.
4. Drink lots of water!!
5. Consider what you put on your body as much as what you put in your body.
6. Consider what you use in your home environment. Cleaning products, laundry soap, and garden products can all have a negative impact on your body and the environment.
7. Supplement when necessary. Don’t waste time or money on guessing what you need. Supplements can be tricky and sometimes dangerous. Find someone who can help you know your body and what you need to optimize your health.
There is one you and you are special. Take the time to understand your special body and what you need to live life fully and Taste Life!