Keo Frazier Brings Fire to Everything That She Does
Keo Frazier is endlessly inspiring and known for her ability to bring brands and institutions to life through multi-media marketing strategies and her unique approach to community outreach and conversation through her non-profit New Thinkers. A Denver native and 3-time cancer survivor, Keo’s energy and drive are unmatched.
Annie Bloj: Keo, as a Denver native, how did growing up in this part of the country shape you, and to what do you attribute your extraordinary drive?
Keo Frazier: If you know me, you know I have a lot of fire. I’m one of those people who was born with immense drive and determination. It’s who I am. My mom, my extended family, my education, and life experiences all helped me focus that drive, ignite it some more, and, lately, now that I’m older, tame it. Fire can sometimes get too hot--and that can be hard on the people around me.
As a child, I was placed in gifted and talented programs. Typically I was the only kid of color in those classes. I also was a shy and inward only child. You might think that would squelch my voice, but in many ways, being the “only one” taught me to be outspoken and strong. My childhood and education in Denver helped me develop a powerful, consistent voice, one I’ll spend the rest of my life using for the betterment of society--and to use as wisely as I possibly can.
AB: After graduating from Cornell University, you launched your marketing firm, Focus. You created award-winning marketing and re-branding campaigns for nationally recognized companies in-house and then formed your second marketing firm, KEOS Marketing Group. Marketing in all its forms is storytelling. What do you love about telling stories?
KF: We’re a story-telling species. We learn from stories. We are entertained by stories. And we’re changed by stories. Telling a dynamic story is the best way to influence someone’s behavior. When you tug at someone’s emotions, belief system, and values, you’re able to change minds. One of my favorite authors, Robert B. Cialdini, talks about persuasion and influence. When you can persuade and influence others, you are in a powerful position. There is a catch, however. You need to use that power for good. To me, storytelling is a way to inspire others toward something good.
AB: Where do you feel your niche lies in the scope of the marketing and branding industry field?
KF: Branding is the opportunity to craft a story that is compelling, artful, and engaging. I help create brands and rebrands that jolt people awake to the products or missions of the organizations I help. I’ve recently helped Emily Griffith Technical College transform its historic brand into one that evokes innovation and future-forwardness, I rebranded Denver Public Works as the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure through content and messaging and worked on the launch and brand of Dairy Block, now a nationally recognized alley experience.
I take a holistic approach that includes research, still photography, artwork, video, languaging, and customer experience. More and more, I like to do this in the context of an organization or entity with a social mission.
AB: What is unique about your experience that helps you be so successful?
KB: My core values guide everything. They include integrity, leading by example, a commitment to quality, innovation, owning mistakes, and strategic thinking.
I’ve had cancer three times--THREE TIMES! Confronted with my mortality at such young about fuel for my fire and drive. Wrapped in an unforeseen purpose it pushes you to be more driven and more determined. Suddenly adages like “tomorrow isn't promised” and “live for today” become very, very real. For me, success isn’t negotiable. Integrity isn’t negotiable. Living life to the fullest isn’t negotiable.
AB: You launched New Thinkers “to bring people together who are creating great change and solving problems”. Uniquely, New Thinkers promotes action, not just talk. How do you measure success, and how do you keep attendees engaged after these important conversations?
KF: You’re absolutely correct that New Thinkers is about dialogue and action, but most importantly action. Essentially we check in with each other for accountability to ourselves and to the commitment we’ve made to our souls to leave this world a better place than it was left to us.
Here are some examples of follow-through and change--from dialogue to action.
● The environmental conversation that occurred in April 2021 with Councilman Jolon Clark and Artivist Benjamin Von Wong sparked a lot of dialogue around how we could make changes to our environmental practices in the built environment. From that event, Councilman Jolon Clark gathered a group of business owners who are advocating for beneficial and efficient solar panel business practices.
● Erika Righter of Hope Tank attended the Exonerated Central Park Five event I curated and hosted in collaboration with Denver’s Mayor’s Office in February 2020. At that event Jason Shankle, Ph.D. offered a healing workshop at the post-event. Erika and Jason are now collaborating on a multitude of levels including selling his book in her socially responsible retail store and curating a referral system directly to Jason--a Black male therapist.
● The virtual Judges Talk we held at The Clayton’s Members Club had a surprise in-person appearance by award-winning, National Bar Association Fred Gray Hall of Fame judge, Honorable (Ret.) Gary M. Jackson. This sparked such dialogue that individuals who attended applied to be on a Colorado Judicial Commission with the State.
● Finally, the very first New Thinkers’ experience in 2019 had an exclusive screening of Matangi Maya M.I.A. documentary by Steve Loveridge. I was also asked to host the Obama HBO documentary series, Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union, which chronicles the personal and political journey of President Barack Obama, to a hand-selected group of people, interested in continuing President Obama’s vision of hope and change.
AB: Keo, thank you for sharing your remarkable experience with us. Your drive is unmatched and is so inspiring to watch as you build your marketing business and expand New Thinkers. Not only have you already made such an impact in your community but clearly have so much passion for future possibilities.